Supporting the Foundation
There are several ways in which you can give back to the School that supported you through your secondary education.
Donations and Pledge Giving
As a registered charitable organisation with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status you are able to make a cost effective and tax-deductible contribution through our donations and pledge giving program.
Participation and involvement are the key factors for this program – every gift is vital to the Foundation’s future. Committing to a donation or making regular gift instalments, through our pledged giving program, will assist us to plan for the long term.
For more information, email us at today.
Sponsoring Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
Opportunities exist to sponsor Scholarships, Awards and Prizes of your choice, through the Kentian Scholarship Foundation, the School and the P&C by making a lump sum donation to cover the cost of:
- a perpetual Scholarship, Award or Prize.
- a Scholarship, Award or Prize for a set length of time (e.g. 5 years).
Interested donors are requested to discuss their involvement with the Foundation Trustees.
You may also like to consider leaving a bequest to the Kentian Scholarship Foundation. By considering a philanthropic gift in your Will, you will be joining other generous benefactors who have helped build and sustain the Kentian Scholarship Foundation as vital support group of the school.
If you are considering a bequest to the Kentian Scholarship Foundation, or have already done so, it is recommended that you contact your solicitor for advice on preparing or updating your Will. For a confidential discussion on leaving a bequest to the Kentian Scholarship Foundation, email the Trustees .